In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Cartoon Network had a programming block called "Toonami", where they ran anime shows back to back throughout the night. During commercial breaks, there would be music that played which featured a hybrid of jazz melodies over hip hop beats, thus creating what we know today as lo-fi. 
Named after an energy blast move from the popular anime: Dragon Ball Z, Masenko is a fashion brand based on the subcultures of lo-fi and anime.  The style I aimed to achieve is a streetwear brand, considering lo-fi is a subculture of its parent culture, hip hop, where streetwear is predominantly worn.
Logo Shirt
Logo Shirt
Enamel Pin
Enamel Pin
USB Drive
USB Drive
Grid Shirt
Grid Shirt
Pink and purple are the primary colors of this brand, representing sakura flowers (Japanese cherry blossoms). The cool-toned colors give a relaxed and chill vibe. There’s also a lot of black used in the apparel, representing the night theme of staying up late. The brand includes clothes such as baggy t-shirts and hoodies, as well as fun novelty items such as a USB drive and enamel pin.
Type Shirt
Type Shirt
Mt. Fuji Hoodie
Mt. Fuji Hoodie
Rose Shirt
Rose Shirt
Cassette Shirt
Cassette Shirt
This video promo shows what a pop-up event would look and feel like.
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